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Milk shake в ОАЭ

46 объявлений
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Whole milk replacer for calves "Biomilk-16 Standard"
Цена по запросу
Biomilk-16 Standard - whole milk replacer for calves from 10th days of life. Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag. Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: Dairy products 65%, incl. skimmed milk powder, %, min 15 Oilseeds processing products, % 16 Vegetable fat 16% Premix incl.
+8 объявлений
22 июн 2020
Whole milk replacer for calves "Biomilk-11 Standard"
Цена по запросу
Biomilk-11 Standard - whole milk replacer for calves from 4th week of life. Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag. Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: Dairy products 65% Oliseeds processing products 21% Vegetable fat 11% Premix incl. Multi-Protect Formula 3% Multi-Protect
+8 объявлений
22 июн 2020
Смесь для молочных коктейлей
2 Dh/шт EXW  
опт 1.55 - 2 Dh/шт
Уникальная смесь для молочных коктелей Premialle Milk Shake. Premialle Milk Shake очень прост в приготовлении: 1. Вылейте охлажденную смесь 200 мл в емкость для приготовления; 2. Взбивайте миксером 2 минуты, содержимое должно увеличиться в обьеме до 400 мл; 3. Коктель готов. Смесь производится на
+1 объявление
27 мая 2021
Сухое цельное молоко Milk powder 26% fat
Оптовая цена
3 - 4 $/кг FOB
На постоянной основе реализуем сухое обезжиренное молоко (СОМ) 1,5%, сухое цельное молоко (СЦМ) 25%, сухие комбинированные сливки до 40% жирности, сухую сыворотку деминерализованную. The company produces on a regular basis: dry skim milk 1.5%, whole milk powder 25%, dry combined cream to 40% fat,
4 фев 2018
Спред молочный Milk spread LLC Mitlife
Оптовая цена
от 1 $/кг EXW
LLC "Mitlife", торгово-производственная компания. Наша главная цель: плодотворное сотрудничество с покупателем с наиболее взаимовыгодной ценой для всех. Продам Спред молочный Спред 82.5% Спред 78% Спред 72.5% Спред 70% Спред 67% Спред 62% Спред Шоколадный 62% Спред 58% Качество товара
23 мар 2023
Масло солодковершкове ,82,5%, "ЕКСТРА", ДСТУ
Масло солодковершкове ,82,5%, "ЕКСТРА", ДСТУ - фото 1
Масло солодковершкове ,82,5%, "ЕКСТРА", ДСТУ - фото 2
Масло солодковершкове ,82,5%, "ЕКСТРА", ДСТУ - фото 3
Оптовая цена
от 8.20 $/кг FCA
Масло вершкове 82,5%, Масова частка жиру 82,5%. масло солодко-вершкове несолене вищий сорт. Склад: виготовлено з пастеризованих вершків з коров'ячого молока. Харчова цінність 100г продукту: жиру- 82,5г, вуглеводів-0,8г, білка-0,6г, калорійність: 3132кдж (748ккал). Умови зберігання та термін
+1 объявление
23 дек 2024
Молоко сухое сгущенка мороженое масло
Молоко сухое сгущенка мороженое масло - фото 1
Молоко сухое сгущенка мороженое масло - фото 2
+4 фото
Молоко сухое сгущенка мороженое масло - фото 3
1 234 Dh/шт
Hello my friends We have dairy products better quality from Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Russia: UHT milk 1.5, 2.5, 3.5% fat content of TBA with lid, skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, acid casein, dry milk cheese whey, Sterilized milk 1.5%, 2.3%, 3.1%, 6% fat, butter 72,5% & 82,5% fat,
19 ноя 2024
1 $/т EXW
Milk Galaxy Chernigov region implements a spread for export. Spread sweet and sour - consists of a mixture of vegetable and dairy fats. Spread has many advantages, namely the plasticity of the product, it does not contain cholesterol and a product rich in vitamins A, E. Spread uses in cooking,
18 окт 2023
Butter “Appetito” 82.5%
1 $/шт FCA
Butter Butter from cow's milk traditional sweet cream unsalted with m. 82.5%. Ingredients: high-quality pasteurized cream from whole cow's milk. It is suitable at storage temperature and humidity not more than 90%: from minus (16 +/- 2) ° С - 120 days, minus (6 +/- 3) - 60 days. After opening the
+4 объявления
26 мар 2021
Tomato paste. Manufacture of food
Tomato paste. Manufacture of food - фото 1
Tomato paste. Manufacture of food - фото 2
+4 фото
Tomato paste. Manufacture of food - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Food manufacturer is looking for partners. Assortment of products: tomato paste, sauce, ketchup, soup side dishes and cereals, seasonings, spices, milk powder, dried yeast and much more. Производитель бакалейного направления продуктов питания предлагает сотрудничество . Ассортимент производимой
7 июл 2020
Sell wholesale Spread (Analog of butter)
Оптовая цена
4 467 - 8 017 Dh/т
Oure Company constantly sell wholesale Spread (Analog of butter) Spread is a quality product based on a mixture of vegetable and milk fats. The main advantage of the spread is its plastic consistency and light creamy taste. It is analog of butter, but the spread does not contain cholesterin.
+1 объявление
7 июл 2018
Сухе знежирене молоко (СЗМ), 1, 5%, ДСТУ
Оптовая цена
от 2.50 $/кг FCA
Сухе знежирене молоко (СЗМ), 1,5%, експорт. Сертифікати, EUR 1, Halal. Виробництво України. Сухе молоко 1,5% жирності. Масова частка молочного білка 32-34% Кислотність 17 Виробляється з знежиреного молока шляхом висушування на сушарці розпилювального типу. Відповідає вимогам ДЕРЖСТАНДАРТ 33629-2015
+1 объявление
23 дек 2024
Cationic phylactic feed additive "MegaVit"
Цена по запросу
MegaVit - cationic phylactic feed additive for high producing milk cow. Package: 30 kg in multilayer paper bag with PE inlet Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: High containing of E vitamin – more than 4000 IU/kg of premixes provides high immunity and herd health in the
+8 объявлений
22 июн 2020
Protein cationic phylactic feed additive "TurboStart"
Цена по запросу
TurboStart - protein cationic phylactic feed additive for milk-yield development group and high-producing cows. Package: 30 kg in multilayer paper bag with PE inlet Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: High containing of protein, which is protected against fermentation in
+8 объявлений
22 июн 2020
Water-soluble feed additive "ReeStabil"
Цена по запросу
ReeStabil - water-soluble feed additive for cows after calving; complex of biologically active substances, macro and micro elements, energy substrates, selected in a special ratio. Package: 500 grams batches of metalized polypropylene film. Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of
+8 объявлений
22 июн 2020
Milk Shake Mix
2 Dh/шт EXW  
опт 1.55 - 2 Dh/шт
Premialle Milkshake Mix - Unique products, easy way to make milk shake with just one ingredient. 1. Open a package with the milk mixture 2. Mix up the cocktail for about 2 minutes 3. Enjoy! Vanilla flavour. Packaging 200ml Outcome milkshake 400 ml.
+1 объявление
27 мая 2021
Whole Milk Powder / Skimmed Milk Powder / Condensed Milk for sell
Whole Milk Powder / Skimmed Milk Powder / Condensed Milk for sell - фото 1
Whole Milk Powder / Skimmed Milk Powder / Condensed Milk for sell - фото 2
+12 фото
Whole Milk Powder / Skimmed Milk Powder / Condensed Milk for sell - фото 3
1.30 $/шт EXW
Specification s 1. Instant Full Cream Whole Milk Powder Moisture : 2.5% max Lactose : 36.0% min Fat : 26.0% min Protein; 24.0% min Ash: 7.0% max Solubility Index: 1.0 max Titratable Acidity: 0.15 max Colour: Cream/White Flavour: Pleasant Standard Plate Count: 50000 cfu/g max Coliforms: 10 cfu/g
7 сен 2024
Best Selling Nido Milk Powder/Nestle Nido / Nido Milk 400g
Оптовая цена
0.70 - 1 €/шт CIF
Product Description: Nido is a trusted brand offering high-quality, fortified full cream milk powder suitable for all family members. Ideal for growing children and adults alike, Nido provides essential nutrients that support overall health and development. Whether it's used in cooking, baking, or
+4 объявления
29 авг 2024
Whole milk powder 26%
Цена по запросу
Whole milk powder Fat content: 26% Milk variety: Standart STB 1858-2009 Shelf life: 24 months, at an ambient air temperature for storage from 0 to +20 °C Packing: multiply paper bags with liner bag made of polyethylene Net weight: 25 kg
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Milk Powder
Цена по запросу
Dear Sirs, If you are interested in purchasing dry Milk Powder. ( skimmed Halal, Kosher) We are ready to offer you. All details by mail
9 окт 2019
CHEAP Quality Nestle Nido Milk Powder
Оптовая цена
0.70 - 1 €/шт CIF
Product Description: Nido is a trusted brand offering high-quality, fortified full cream milk powder suitable for all family members. Ideal for growing children and adults alike, Nido provides essential nutrients that support overall health and development. Whether it's used in cooking, baking, or
+4 объявления
29 авг 2024
Condensed sterilized concentrated milk
Цена по запросу
Condensed sterilized concentrated milk GOST 1923-78 Fat content:7,8%, 8.6% Shelf life: 12 months Packing: Tin can № 7 net weight 300 g Quantity in a packing case: 30 pieces
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Sell wholesale Natural Condensed Milk for export
Оптовая цена
2.06 - 2.72 Dh/шт
Sell wholesale Natural Condensed Milk for export Oure Company constantly sell natural condensed milk produced of pasteurized skimmed cow milk by method of evaporation of the part of moisture from it Condensed milk with sugar 8.5% - Tin can 360 g - 0,56 cents Condensed milk with sugar 0, 5% - Tin
+1 объявление
7 июл 2018
Nido Milk Powder / Nestle Nido , Nido Milk Wholesale Export Prices
Оптовая цена
0.70 - 1 €/шт CIF
Product Description: Nido is a trusted brand offering high-quality, fortified full cream milk powder suitable for all family members. Ideal for growing children and adults alike, Nido provides essential nutrients that support overall health and development. Whether it's used in cooking, baking, or
+4 объявления
29 авг 2024
Condensed milk with sugar and chicory partly fat free
Цена по запросу
Condensed milk with sugar and chicory partly fat free TU RB 100098867.122-2001 Fat content: 7% Shelf life: 10 months, 6 months (Doy-Pack), Packing: Tin can № 7B net weight 380 g, Doy-Pack net weight 300 g Quantity in a packing case: 30 pieces, 24 pieces
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Condensed milk with sugar and cocoa partly fat free
Цена по запросу
Condensed milk with sugar and cocoa partly fat free TU RB 100098867.122-2001 Fat content: 7.5% Shelf life: 10 months, 6 months (Doy-Pack) Packing: Tin can № 7B net weight 380 g, Doy-Pack net weight 300 g Quantity in a packing case: 30 pieces, 24 pieces
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Whole condensed milk with sugar
Цена по запросу
Whole condensed milk with sugar GOST 2903-78, GOST 31688-2012 Fat content: 8.5% Shelf life: 12 months, 2 months (cup p/st), 8 months («BAG in BOX») Packing: Tin can № 7B net weight 380 g; Tin can № 7B net weight 380 g with easy-open cover; Doy-Pack net weight 300 g; сup p/st 300 g; мultiply plastic
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Skimmed milk powder replacer "Biolak"
Цена по запросу
Biolak - skimmed milk powder replacer. Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: Dairy products not less than> 42% Oilseeds processing products 50% Cereal processing products 5% Premix incl. amino asids, flavor and anticaking agent
+8 объявлений
26 июн 2020
Whole milk powder Fat content: 26%
Цена по запросу
Whole milk powder Fat content: 26% Milk variety: Standart STB 1858-2009 Shelf life: 24 months, at an ambient air temperature for storage from 0 to +20 °C Packing: multiply paper bags with liner bag made of polyethylene Net weight: 25 kg
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Whole milk fat free Fat content: 1.5%
Цена по запросу
Whole milk fat free Fat content: 1.5% Milk variety: Standart STB 1858-2009 Shelf life: 24 months, at an ambient air temperature for storage from 0 to +20 °C Packing: multiply paper bags with liner bag made of polyethylene Net weight: 25 kg
+6 объявлений
29 апр 2020
Ultrafiltration system
Цена по запросу
Ultrafiltration is one of the baromembrane methods of water purification. Under certain pressure, the water entering the ultrafiltration unit passes through a semipermeable membrane and is divided into two streams. One of these "concentrate" streams contains all the impurities and bacteria whose
3 дек 2024
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml - фото 1
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml - фото 2
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml - фото 3
35.24 €/1000 units EXW
Production material: PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) Vial quality: made from virgin material Package contents: bottles 120ml Application of Bottle / bottle: For water, For liquid soap, For oil, For milk, For detergent, For juice, For dishwashing liquid, For detergent. Containers (packaging),
15 окт 2024
Bamboo breadsticks
Bamboo breadsticks - фото 1
Bamboo breadsticks - фото 2
+2 фото
Bamboo breadsticks - фото 3
0.68 $/шт EXW
We present to you bamboo breadsticks in various flavors. High quality and affordable prices make our products an excellent choice for your business! We are looking for wholesale buyers from abroad. Packaging for 250 g: box size 40 cm (L) * 26 cm (W) * 18 cm (H) Quantity per box: 9 pieces Price: -
28 сен 2024
1.70 €/шт FCA
Nesquik Plastik Box 300g
Nesquik Plastik Box 500g
Nesquik EXTRA Choco Plastic Box 600g
Nesquik 1 kg A chocolate-flavored instant drink. Just pour in warm or cold milk, add 2-3 teaspoons of Nesquik, top up the resulting concoction with milk and you're done. Delicious, nutritious, perfect :) for
11 мар 2024
Цена по запросу
Our company produces true Dutch cheese Gouda made of cow and goat milk, as well as elite cheese with whiskey, truffels, nuts and fenugreek.
7 авг 2019
Natural cosmetics based on rose oil
Natural cosmetics based on rose oil - фото 1
Natural cosmetics based on rose oil - фото 2
Natural cosmetics based on rose oil - фото 3
Цена по запросу
We offer you not just natural cosmetics based on rose oil, we offer you a real brand. Products. made with the addition of 100% natural rose oil from soap to perfume - natural lotions, milk. creams, shampoos, air fresheners and the finest and most persistent fragrance from world famous roses growing
3 июн 2018
We sell flour
225 $/т
We sell flour. First and foremost. Packaging from 1-50 kg Certificate FCA Ukraine = 225 $ \ MT CIF Dubai We have an opportunity to sell flour in Dubai. Commission for partners! And as croups, macaroni, milk dry and condensed ...
27 окт 2017
Natural Butter Ghee 99.8%
6 $/шт FCA
Ghee is a dairy product with a long history and modern health value. Cooking oil is a time-consuming and lengthy process, and only after a few hours of painstaking labor do you get golden 'sunny milk fat - this is the famous ghee. Consider the special, healing properties of this extraordinary
+4 объявления
26 мар 2021
"Appetito" spread (Irish ) 72.5%
0.93 $/шт FCA
Appetito spreads are made on the basis of cream obtained from cow's milk with the addition of vegetable fat, which makes them more delicious. The composition is more balanced for a healthy eating culture. It is recommended for direct consumption, for the preparation of sandwiches, for baking,
+4 объявления
26 мар 2021
Best Top Grade Nutella Chocolate / Ferrero Nutella Chocolate / Nutella for sale
Best Top Grade Nutella Chocolate / Ferrero Nutella Chocolate / Nutella for sale - фото 1
Best Top Grade Nutella Chocolate / Ferrero Nutella Chocolate / Nutella for sale - фото 2
Best Top Grade Nutella Chocolate / Ferrero Nutella Chocolate / Nutella for sale - фото 3
Оптовая цена
1 - 2 €/шт CIF
Product Description: Experience the irresistible taste of Nutella, the original hazelnut spread with cocoa. Made with the finest ingredients, Nutella delivers a unique, creamy texture and delicious taste that has made it a favorite worldwide. Whether you’re spreading it on toast, pairing it with
+4 объявления
29 авг 2024
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milk shake
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