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Abu Dhabi

Feed additives in Abu Dhabi

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Region Abu Dhabi
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Anionic phylactic feed additive "VitaAnion"
Price on request
VitaAnion - anionic phylactic feed additive for dry cow within 2-3 weeks before calving. Package: 30 kg in multilayer paper bag with PE inlet Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: High containing of anions (chloride and sulphur) provides negative cathode-anion balance, that in
+13 ads
22 Jun 2020
Specialized granulated feed concentrate "Granufeed"
Price on request
Granufeed - specialized granulated feed concentrate for muesli and texturized feeds production for calves at the age of 4-180 days. Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag. Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: This product contains ideal proportion of rumen digestible and
+13 ads
22 Jun 2020
Fodder Yeast (After-alcohol) 40% protein
After-alcohol Fodder Yeast - Is an effective, environmentally friendly feed additive, consisting mainly of protein, which is using for feeding the livestock and poultry. Fodder yeast is the most valuable protein additive that allows you to achieve excellent results in the fattening of cattle,
+2 ads
19 Aug 2022
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) Corn DDGS 35%
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) Corn DDGS is a by-product of the alcohol industry. It is obtained in the production of bioethanol, which is used as a fuel additive. It can also be a partial replacement for soy flour or other protein sources. Soluble Dehydrated Grains (DDGS) are a
+2 ads
18 Aug 2022
Кормовые добавки
Кормовые добавки - photo 1
Кормовые добавки - photo 2
+2 photo
Кормовые добавки - photo 3
Предлагаем рассмотреть вопрос сотрудничества на следующие позиции товаров: Кормовые добавки для КРС и птицы: - жом свекловичный гранулированный (меласированный) - ТН ВЭД 2309 - жмых подсолнечника, рапсовый, соевый (ракушка), протеин 32+ - ТН ВЭД 2306 - шрот подсолнечника, рапсовый, соевый
+1 ad
27 Jun 2024
Ads found within the radius of 150 km from Abu Dhabi
Feed for animals and birds
$1/t FOB
Feed - Sunflowerseed Oilcake, Linseed Oilcake, Rapeseed Oilcake. Corn cake, Soyabean meal and cake, oat, Wheat bran pellets, Soyabean and Sunflowerseed hulls, Sunflower seed meal and cake pellets. Any feeds for animals and birds… Mr. Angel Malinovski Ukraine Office, Kiev - Odessa
+9 ads
28 Apr 2023
Compound Feed for Broilers - Best Mix
Compound Feed for Broilers - Best Mix - photo 1
Compound Feed for Broilers - Best Mix - photo 2
+2 photo
Compound Feed for Broilers - Best Mix - photo 3
$450/t FOB  
wholesale $300-400/t
Compound feed is a profitable option for both: private farming and corporate livestock farms. Using of compound feeds simplify maintenance and reduce costs because vitamin-mineral and medicinal supplements are included. Generally, the secret lies in the correctly selected formulation, which
14 Feb 2020
Кормовые добавки
Dh 1/pc
Наша компания ищет дистрибьютеров по продаже нашей продукции в разных странах.
29 Mar 2022
Корм витаминный комплекс для лошадей
$105/мешок EXW
Корма витаминный комплекс, для лошадей и КРС, фасовка 20 кг, ватсап . Например, витаминный комплекс Бридинг, для жеребых кобыл и жеребят и производителей, способствует рождению жеребенка с витаминным запасом в организме, который укрепляет иммунную систему, благодаря чему вырастает здоровое
4 Jan 2021
Granulated feed - Herbacon Classic, Basic and Mix
Granulated feed - Herbacon Classic, Basic and Mix - photo 1
Granulated feed - Herbacon Classic, Basic and Mix - photo 2
+1 photo
Granulated feed - Herbacon Classic, Basic and Mix - photo 3
Dh 260/t EXW
The company "Herbacon GmbH" Germany, produces granulated feed and additives for herbivores: For chickens, chickens, broilers, goats, rams, calves, cows, horses, camels, etc. We offer high quality feed. Packing: big-bag (1000 kg) Ingredients: Oats, barley, corn, sorghum, 100% natural herbal
26 Nov 2020
$12/kg DDP  
wholesale $12/kg
Доброго времени суток у нас есть Артемии цисты 120 тонн (навал в мешках) то есть вес мешков примерно по 40 кг Выклев 78-83% Сорность 3-4% Влажность 15-20% Место добычи Аральское Море сторона республики Каракалпакистан (Республика Узбекистан) Муйнакский раион Акватория Аральского моря Вам куда
20 Oct 2018
Alfa alfa pellet ECOproduct NR 1
Alfa alfa pellet ECOproduct NR 1 - photo 1
Alfa alfa pellet ECOproduct NR 1 - photo 2
Alfa alfa pellet ECOproduct NR 1 - photo 3
Dh 1,750/t  
wholesale Dh 1,550-1,650/t
Excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals essential for you Animal's health 16% Protein content It's an excellent source of high-quality fiber Helps maintain weight and promote healthy digestion. Complements all other Animal Feed Mixes Imported from Estonia Delivery available only within
6 Jan
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